한국의 보물, 조선시대의 예술과 문화, 1392-1910
- 저자
조인수, 김홍경, 김울림, 권소현, 문동수, 송은석, 우현수
- 담당부서
- 발행기관
국립중앙박물관, 필라델피아미술관, 로스앤젤레스카운티미술관, 휴스턴미술관
- 발행연도
- 페이지수
- 가격
목차 Contents
1. Confucianism and the Art of Joseon Dynasty
Cho Insoo
2. Joseon : A Dynasty Founded on the Confician Classics
Kim Hongkyung
3. Screen Paintings of the Joseon Dynasty
Woo Hyunsoo
4. Ceramics and Ritual Vessels of the Royal Household
Kwon So-hyun
5. The Collection and Appreciation of Scholarly Accoutrements and Saranbang Culture in the Joseon Dynasty
Kim Woolim
7. Buddhism and Art in the Joseon Royal House : Buddhist Sculpture and Painting
Song Unseok
8. The Reception of a New Culture and Establishment of a New Visual System in Korea’s Modern Era
Moon Dongsoo