Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden

This folding screen depicts a gathering of fifteen writers and artists, including Su Shi, invited by Wang Shen (1036–1104), a son-in-law of Emperor Shenzong (r. 1067–1085) of the Northern Song Dynasty. The fifth panel presents Su Shi with a brush in his hand poised to write on a piece of paper spread out on a table in the lower-left portion of the panel. The Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden is considered a historical meeting of notable literati. It has long been favored as a theme for writing and painting.
In this work, Kim Hongdo (1745–after 1806) faithfully represents the content of “Record of the Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden” written by Mi Fu (1051–1107). This masterpiece shows Kim’s outstanding painting skill, as demonstrated by the harmonious composition, distinctively portrayed figures, and varied lines. The upper portions of the fifth and sixth panels bear a colophon written by Kang Sehwang (1713–1791). In it, Kang extols this painting as superior to the Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden by the Ming Dynasty painter Qiu Ying (?–1552) and as a divine piece that equals the original painting by Li Gonglin (1049–1106) of the Northern Song Dynasty.

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