Self-praise of Mukso Geosa Written by Kim Jeong-hui
- Nationality/Period
Joseon Dynasty
- Materials
- Author
Kim Jeong-hui(金正喜, 1786-1877)
- Category
Culture / Art - Letter & Paintings - Character - calligraphy
- Dimensions
- Designation
Treasure 1685-1
- Accession Number
Bongwan 5112
This is regarded as one of the most renowned works of Kim Jeong-hui (pen-name: Chusa), written in the regular script. The lines, meaning “One should know when to remain silent and when to laugh,” were inspired by the pen-name of his close friend, ‘Mukso Geosa’ (meaning, ‘a person with a silent smile’). One can see that it is written with earnestness, and the sharp brush strokes show the great calligrapher’s depth.