Thinking Differently!

How did the great discoveries that changed the world come about? They had ordinary beginnings. You may have an aha! moment if you keep thinking about convenient ways to do things from a different angle. Big changes start with small new ideas. Isn’t it true that the world as we know it is built upon the gathering and sharing of such ideas? Let’s learn about the discoveries that have changed our world!

Fire, Nature’s Energy

How could we have lived without fire? Fire allowed humans to keep warm, cook food, and enjoy light at night. The intense heat and bright light of fire has transformed the world we live in.

Metal, A Material Used for Making Tools

Metal is a material used to create a variety of tools and objects. Strong farming tools and skyscrapers are made of metal, and so were the sparkling golden crowns of the past. People melt metal into a liquid, pour it into a mold, and hammer it into shape. Experience how different types of metals are used today!

Wheels That Turn Round and Round

Wheels help us carry heavy objects more easily and quickly. They have made our lives more convenient. The power of rotating wheels can be used to do various types of work as well. A pulley can help us lift heavy things, and cogwheels can be used to build convenient machines.