Underdrawing of Kshitigarba

This underdrawing was created for a painting of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva. The overall composition was drawn with charcoal, the details were added in ink lines, and the names of the colors to be applied were written on each section. The colors are either written in Hangeul (the Korean alphabet), as in the case of yangnok (dark green), okseok (reddish brown), samcheong (blue), jinhong (crimson), and jangdan (orange), or in Chinese characters like 白 (white) and 黃 (yellow). Embroidered Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva at Jijangam Hermitage is of the same size and shows the same iconography as this work. It was embroidered by the embroiderer An Jemin based on an underdrawing created by the monk-painter Bogyeong Bohyeon (1890–1979). This indicates that underdrawings for embroidered Buddhist paintings in the modern era were produced by monk-painters.

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