Last exhibition Special exhibition Stories of my friends, Sipjangsaeng
  • Date

    2023-05-02 ~ 2024-04-15

Sun, cloud, mountain, water, pine, rock, elixir plant(lingzhi mushroom), crane, turtle, and deer:
These ten natural things are collectively called sipjangsaeng in Korea.
They reflect the desire of Korean people from the past to live long, healthy lives.
Sipjangsaeng are also part of nature, with which we live in harmony.
What stories will sipjangsaeng tell us today?

Let's go meet our sipjangsaeng friends!
Hi there. I’m a deer.
Korean ancestors regarded me as an extraordinary animal that the Taoist deities* rode on. 
Now let me introduce sipjangsaeng to you. 
Let’s go meet our other sipjangsaeng friends! 
* Taoist deities: Imaginary immortal people who live forever among nature 

The Sun that lights up the entire world 
I am really grateful to the sun!
The world is bright and warm thanks to the sun!
Plants receive sunlight and provide the nutrients I need, and I stay healthy by eating them. 
People in the past also regarded the sun as the origin of brightness and life. 
What would happen to the world if there was no longer any sun?

Clouds that send down rain 
When clouds send down rain, plants drink it and grow. 
I have fun sploshing about in the rain that gathers in puddles. 
People in the past also considered clouds that sent down rain as important. 
Let’s think where else rain is needed.

Evergreen pine 
I smell the fresh scent of pine coming from somewhere!
The fragrance, the fresh air… Ah, how pleasant. 
People in the past liked pine trees, which remain green throughout the year, for their steadfastness. 
What should we do to keep the forests green?

Hard, firm rock 
Rock is very hard and unbothered by wind and rain.  
People in the past praised them as symbols of reliability, forming a firm foundation.  
What else can you learn from rock, which never wavers?

Beautiful white cranes
People in the past also believed that the deities flew on the back of the crane.
Scholars of fine character were likened to cranes.
This must have been due to the elegance of these white birds as they flew through the air.
What should we do for them so they stay as beautiful as ever?

Mountains that harbor life 
Mountains always stay in the same place, providing a home for me and my friends. 
They also give food like tree fruit and mushrooms. 
People in the past believed the deities lived on the mountaintops. 
What else do mountains harbor?

Constantly flowing water
I’m thirsty after romping around.
Let’s get some cool water!
Water is essential for life. 
People in the past also gave it the utmost importance. 
Where does water come from and to where does it go?

Wise and mystical turtles 
Turtles are wise friends who go their own way, slowly but steadily!
People in the past thought of the turtle as a wise, mystical animal. 
Is there something you’d like to do, even if only slowly and steadily?

Elixir plant that gives immortality 
People in the past believed that they could remain young and live forever if they ate an elixir plant. 
If you could find an elixir plant, who would you give it to?
Is there something or someone you hope will never change, at least for a long time?

We have so far seen the ten stories of sipjangsaeng. 
What did you think of them?
What should we do to live long, happy lives?