게시글 상세보기의 글제목, 등록일, 조회수, 기간, 담당자, 썸네일 이미지, 글내용, 첨부파일, 국립중앙박물관 창작 저작물의 공공누리 출처표시에 관한 테이블 입니다. 페이지 환경에 따라 항목이 다르게 표시됩니다.
The Children's Museum Visit Resource for Teachers ages 6-7
Date2022-11-02 View205
Files visitresource_no1_childrenmuseum.pdf
Visit Resource for Teachers ages 6-7

Children's Museum is an experience-oriented museum where children can use their eyes, hands, and hearts as play and take part in experiential activities.

Download the learning resource to support your visit. It includes Children's Museum exhibition information, discussion questions, list of key exhibits and learning activity worksheet. 
*Recommended for ages 6- 7. 

How to use this resource
Before your visit 01
Advance information about the Children's Museum.

During your visit 02-05
Explore and talk about the cultural heritage in the Aha! Discovery and Empathy in Action exhibition gallery.

After your visit 06-10
Show what you learned about cultural heritage at the Children's Museum through diverse activities.


"출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지"국립중앙박물관이(가) 창작한 저작물은 공공누리 "출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.