Fragments of the Stele for King Heungdeok

These are fragments of an epitaph tablet found in the royal tomb of King Heungdeok (興德王, r. 826‒836) in Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang-do Province. Characters that read “Heungdeok” (興德) in seal script on the fragment reveal the owner of the epitaph, along with his birth and death years and investiture year.It also records that King Taejo Seonghan (星漢) was the progenitor of the Kim clan of the Silla Kingdom. The epitaph is written by Yo Geukil (姚克一), the most prominent calligrapher of the time, with his dynamic and brisk brushstrokes that he acquired by following Chinese calligrapher Quyang Xun(歐陽詢).