Celadon and Tea and Alcohol Culture

History of Goryeo (Goryeo sa) lists tea among precious royal gifts and ritual essentials, along with rare medicines and incense. Drinking tea
was popular and the government oversaw tea cultivation and production. Tea bricks were ground into f ine powder, which was either boiled in water, or whisked in hot water to make a frothy beverage. Various types of celadon tea ware were developed and celadon tea sets were placed in graves as burial gifts. A variety of celadon liquor bottles, ewers and cups also were produced. Some were engraved with the names of government off ices responsible for producing and managing liquor for use in the royal court and state ceremonies. Poems depicting Goryeo people’s penchant for the arts and views of life were a favorite decorative motif for celadon liquor bottles and ewers.