Free Wi-Fi Service for Visitors to the National Museum of Korea
  • Date 2012-03-14
  • Hit 3549

Beginning Beginning of March in 2012, the National Museum of Korea will provide free wireless Internet (Wi-Fi) service in the museum. Previously, this service was offered only to subscribers of specific mobile telecommunications companies, and only in limited areas, such as the Great Hall. But free Wi-Fi will now be available throughout our Permanent Exhibition space (Floors 1-3 of the Exhibition Hall) and in all rest areas. Therefore, in those areas, visitors may access the Internet, free of charge, by selecting the Wi-Fi setup for their compatible devices.


With this free Wi-Fi service, visitors are encouraged to search for information about NMK exhibitions, events, and facilities by visiting our mobile website: http://www.museum.go.kr/main/index/index002.jsp.


In 2013, this free Wi-Fi service is scheduled to be extended into the Special Exhibition Hall, the Children’s Museum, and more.


Use our free Wi-Fi to access a variety of information in our exhibition galleries. ▲
