- Date 2010-12-02
- Hit 5015

ㅇ Title: “Tomb Murals of the Four Guardian Deities from Gangseodaemyo" |
The National Museum of Korea presents a thematic exhibition, entitled Tomb Murals of the Four Guardian Deities from Gangseodaemyo, in the Prehistory and Ancient History Gallery.
Gangseodaemyo is located in Sammyo-ri Gangseo district in
Murals were painted immediately onto the surface of the stone walls and the theme is the Four Guardian Deities. The Deities on the main chamber walls are huge enough to cover the entire wall, having no background images. Especially the Black Tortoise and Serpent scene shows a high degree of artistic perfection, hence, attracting public attention since the time of initial research.
Considering that the tomb has a typical single-chamber tomb structure, that murals are mainly on the Four Guardian Deities, and that the expressional technique of the Four Guardian Deities has reached its peak, Gangseodaemyo is presumed to have been built in the late sixth century.
+Representative items on Display
East, Blue Dragon 靑龍
West, White Tiger 白虎
South, Red Phoenixes 朱雀
North, Black Tortoise and Serpent 玄武