2022 National Museum of Korea (NMK) Overseas Korean Galleries Support Program
  • Date 2022-04-21
  • Hit 1505

2022 National Museum of Korea (NMK)

Overseas Korean Galleries Support Program

The National Museum of Korea (NMK) Overseas Korean Galleries Support Program aims to promote Korean art and culture by providing support to Korean Galleries in overseas museums. Through this support program, the applicants would not only have the opportunity to manage various projects related to Korean art and culture but also lay the foundation for the development of Korean Galleries from a long-term perspective.

- Application Period: April 22 - June 19, 2022

- Application Submissions: 

All applications should be submitted to the NMK via email (nmkkoreangallery@korea.kr) by June 19, 2022 (KST). The NMK encourages earlier submission. Project plans shall be drafted out according to the NMK Overseas Korean Galleries Support Program application guideline.

- When submitted, the application will be reviewed by the NMK committee. Successful candidates will be notified individually later on.

-Program Scope:

This program is comprised of two categories. 

(1) Long-term Support Program – this program aims to support long-term plans (from 2023; up to five years) for developing Korean Galleries through a variety of projects (e.g. renovation of galleries, exhibitions, personnel recruitment, object loans, Korea-related events, and/or other projects proposed by the applicants). 

(2) Short-term Support Program – this program aims to support individual projects (from 2023; up to three years) of the following five fields (application for multiple fields available):

A. Publication 

B. Education Program 

C. Collection Research 

D. Korean Collection Online Database Service 

E. Conservation 

Please contact the NMK Overseas Korean Galleries Support Program (+82-2-2077-9265/9271) Team for more information.