Exhibiting Asian Art: Issues and Perspectives
  • Date2011-10-28
  • Hit3190

“Exhibiting Asian Art: Issues and Perspectives,” hosted by the National Museum of Korea and sponsored by Friends of the National Museum of Korea, shed light on the history of the exhibition and formation of Asian collections in Europe, the United States, and Asia. The conference was held at the Main Auditorium of the National Museum of Korea on October 28, 2011, with eight speakers and discussants. In Part 1 of the event, Stanley Abe (Professor, Duke University, United States), Stacey Pierson (Professor, University of London, United Kingdom), and Stephen Little (Chinese/Korean Art Curator, LACMA, United States) gave speeches on the “Collection and Exhibition of Asian Art in Europe and America.” In Part 2, Tani Toyonobu (Director, Curation Department, Kyushu National Museum, Japan) and Byeong Hun Min (Chief of Asia Department, National Museum of Korea) spoke on the “Collection and Exhibition of Asian Art in East Asia.” In Part 3, under the topic of “International Circulation of Asian Art,” Rebecca M. Brown (Professor, Johns Hopkins University, United States) and Yu Hui (Chief of Research Laboratory, Beijing Palace Museum, China) presented their works on the topic. The general discussion was presided by Juhyung Rhi from Seoul National University, which resulted to in-depth discussions on Asian art exhibitions across the world.