Past Thematic
Buncheong Ware from Mt. Gyeryong Kilns
  • Location

    Buncheong Ware and White Porcelain Gallery in the Sculpture and Crafts section

  • Date

    Sep-18-2007 ~ Feb-17-2008

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Buncheong ware was widely used by all classes during the Joseon dynasty, from the Royal court to the commons, for different purposes in their daily lives and for rituals as well. However, since the establishment of bunwon, the official kiln for producing white porcelain for Joseon royal court, in the Apil of 1467 in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, the demand for buncheong ware sharply decreased while the white porcelain prevailed throughout the country. By the mid-sixteen century the archetype of buncheong ware was nowhere to be found.


Particularly the ones from Mt. Gyeryong evidences such history of buncheong. The powerful and fast brush strokes of iron-brown paint leave very strong patterns and impressions, where the unique abstractness and essence of humor are found.


The first excavation in 1927 under the rule of Japanese imperialism, the re-excavation in 1992 after 65 years of interval, and the very first unveiling of the buncheong ware of Mt. Gyeryong to the public in this exhibition in 80 years since the first excavation; the excavation and public opening of the buncheong ware from Mt. Gyeryong stand in such successive chains of events.


This special exhibition focuses on underglaze iron-brown painted buncheong ware out of all the excavated relics from Hakbong-ri kilns of Mt. Gyeryong. In this exhibition catalogue, some masterpieces of buncheong ware in the same style with that of Hakbong-ri are also illustrated.


- Buncheong Ware from Mt. Gyeryong Kilns
- Hakbong-ri Kilns of Mt. Gyerong in the History of Joseon Ceramic