- Date 2010-09-28
- Hit 4342
"Korea Fashion & Culture Festival"
Crossover of Fashion & Culture
The Fashion show and Fashion Exhibition, organized by the MCST(Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) and Daegu metropolitan city, will be on view at the Great Hall, the Plaza and some relevant spots of the NMK this week!
It will be the most unique and unusual opportunities for visitors to observe the collaboration works of ten fashion designers and eight new media artists. It runs only from this Thursday, September 30 to Saturday, October 2.
We encourage you to come and enjoy this arresting and engaging event!
Fashion Show
ㅇ Date : Thursday September 30, 8PM - 9PM
ㅇ Venue : Plaza (outside the Main building)
ㅇ Admission : Free
Fashion Exhibition
ㅇ Date
Thursday (September 30) 9AM - 6PM
Friday (October 1) 9AM - 6PM
Saturday (October 2) 9AM - 6PM
ㅇ Venue : Great Hall & Rear Plaza (Main building 1F)
* The
and the entrance is accessible through the Great Hall.
ㅇ Admission : Free
ㅇ Details
Section 1. Fashion Rewind
Color, reflected in the Korean Tradition
Fashion Designer: Boko Choi, Dongjun Pak, Doii Lee, Sangbeg Ha
Artist: Jiyoon Hong, Hodeuk Kim, Richard Jochum, Byungin Kang, Youngseok Cha
Section 2. Fashion Playing
Fashion, coloring the Culture
Fashion Designer:
Section 3. Fashion Forward
Fashion, to the Dream with Lights
Fashion Designer: