2AM and BEAST perform at the Museum Summer Festival on Aug 7, 2010
  • Date 2010-07-29
  • Hit 3866
ㅇWhen : Saturday August 7, 2010  7PM 
ㅇWhere : Plaza of the NMK
ㅇHost : NMK(National Museum of Korea), Cultural Foundation of NMK
ㅇGuest : 2AM, Beast, Prana, Dr.Core 911, Lazybone, Story Seller
ㅇAdmission : free



On Aug 7, the National Museum of Korea gives a free concert of varied Korean artists including top-celebrated idol singers, 2AM and BEAST. In celebration of the 5th anniversary after the relocation of the museum to Yongsan, the free concert is initiated to thank all the visitors for their love and support to NMK throughout the years.


As a part of the varied efforts so far to develop the museum as the culture complex of Seoul, the National museum of Korea has organized diverse cultural events for public. The Museum Summer Festival is one of the notable events, which stages a wide variety of performances every Saturday from June to August at the plaza of the museum. The special concert on the 7th of August is expected to be the pinnacle of the festival featuring famous artists such as 2AM, BEAST, Prana, Dr.Core 911, Storyseller and Lazybone.












열린콘서트 이미지_가수사진03.jpg

 Left) Prana   Right) Dr.core911

Left) Lazybone  Right) Story Seller
